For Students
Requesting Reasonable Accommodations
Undergraduate and graduate students new to Office for Student Access Services (SAS) will need to complete the following steps in order to meet with someone:
Submit the Student Application
Prior to your Welcome Meeting, please complete the Student Request for Reasonable Accommodations form, and submit it to Student Access Services (SAS).
- You must use your @student.hrfjk.com email
- Complete the form providing any available documentation that indicates a history of a disability diagnosis, these steps will save you time later.
- If you are requesting housing or Emotional Support Animal accommodations you will recieve an email with next steps within 30 minutes of submission. If your email was entered incorrectly, you may need to go back and complete the form again.
- Important: Please note that you should not delay meeting with us out of concern for not having the right paperwork. Each consultant will discuss specific third party documentation needs during the Welcome Meeting as well as steps you should take after the meeting.
Schedule a Welcome Meeting
For greatest efficiency with setting up your meeting, please be sure to complete Step #1 first.
Once Step 1 is completed, Schedule your Welcome Meeting here. Meetings last approximately 45-50 minutes. Meetings may be scheduled for inperson or Zoom.
- Note: SAS will only send email communications via the provided NMT email. Please monitor for this email account for any interactions with SAS.
Explore Options
During the Welcome Meeting, our goal is to keep the meeting relaxed and comfortable. A member of Student Access Services staff will talk with you about the barriers or concerns you are experiencing, reasonable accommodations to address these obstacles, documentation requirements and next steps.
SAS Student Resources
Procedure to Request Accommodations
For complete details regarding requesting accommodations at New Mexico Tech, please refer to the Procedure to Request Accommodations.
Requesting Course Accessibility Letter (CAL)
At the beginning of every semester all students with academic accommodations will need to request their approved accommodations by submitting a Course Accessibility Letter (CAL) request form. Following the student's request for the CAL, the semester Course Accessibility Letter will be sent via the student's NMT email along with information for next steps.
Note: The student will deliver the Class Accessibility Letter to instructors and make plans with them to ensure appropriate access to accommodations.
Exam and Test Proctoring
When space and staffing is available, Student Access Services can proctor an exam. However, this option cannot be guaranteed as it is based on the regular demand and schedule for Student Access Services testing services.
- Note: Decisions regarding testing accommodations are made in consultation with the student and the Office for Student Access Services based on the individual student and their disability. Exam/Test Proctoring Request Form.
Temporary Accommodations
For students who require temporary accommodations:
- The primary responsibility to address concerns in the classroom rests with the student and professor. Students should consult with the professor(s) to explore options that will help in the classroom.
- Student Access Services is available for a consultation to discuss additional options and to verify information for the professor as necessary. The student will get more benefit from the Student Access Services consultation if they have spoken with the professor(s) first. To schedule a consultation, please contact us at access@hrfjk.com, call 575-835-6451, or visit our office in Fidel 245.
Questions or Concerns at Any Point in the Semester
We know that questions, challenges, and concerns can emerge unexpectedly. The Student Access Services staff will be happy to answer any follow-up questions. One of the biggest mistakes students make is waiting too long to address a concern. Contact us any of the following ways:
- Schedule a Meeting here
- Email access@hrfjk.com
- Call 575-835-6451
- Visit our Office at Fidel 245